Friday, February 12, 2010

100th Day of School!

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Grandma Gertrude and Grandpa….They’ve been around for a hundred years.  Gertrude thinks she’s never seen snow like we’ve had here since the Revolutionary War.  She was a little confused….It comes with her age. 

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Another Grumps and Grandma. ….  Grandma is suffering from a little runny nose. 

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A hundred hearts for the Saints….and a hundred puzzle pieces for her hat….

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Math Challenge…

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A hundred candy hearts……..well 200 from the Eguias!

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A hundred paper hearts from Chloe’.

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How about a 100 noodles from Luke….Where?  On his hat! 

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Or a hundred ribbons from Hannah. 

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Whose team won the Geography bowl?  Well, Chloe’s team pulled ahead with 495 points. 

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As you can see, PNA students enjoyed celebrating the hundredth day of school.  Enjoying the snow….made it even more fun.  School was dismissed at noon.  But due to difficulty in concentrating, we stopped at 11 am to compete in a geography bowl for which many had prepared. 

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