Friday, October 23, 2009



PNA students came face to face with this on Wednesday and what a time they had doing it. 


We would like to thank Mr. Brock for allowing us to visit his beautiful animal ranch. 


It was all decorated for fall.  072

He insisted on taking the kids to Burger King to buy their lunch.  He took us back to his beautiful entertainment facility to eat.  What a time the kids had.


He invited the kids to ride with him.  They enjoyed every minute of the ride around his ranch looking at his exotic animals. 


He had the kids be very quiet as he drove near the Capybaras.  Capybaras are the world’s largest rodents.  He started out with 2 and now has about 21. 


What a big rat!  Yikes. 


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What a beautiful place and an outstanding field trip.! The students were so excited!   They had a WONDERFUL TIME!  Thanks Mr. Brock for your kindness.  We appreciate it. 

1 comment:

Shirley said...

This truly was awesome. Where is this ranch located. It sure looks like fun. Keep up the good work.